Necessary Connections. New threads of experimental pedagogy

Laboratorio de experimentación llevado a cabo en Zagreb en 2022 el marco del programa de movilidad i-Portunus Houses que se planteó investigar formas en las que diversas metodologías, enfoques y formatos de la pedagogía crítica pueden contribuir a formar de base crítica y analítica de la producción artística contemporánea responsable y comprometida.

Fui invitade junto a les investigadores y trabajadores culturales:Yael Davids, Pablo Martínez, Vlatka Horvat y Tim Etchells.

I believe that every space has its own way of learning and interests. That’s why my approach changes depending on the place and how much I know about the community with which I am going to work.

I always start from my own experience and from the interests and research that are new and fresh.

  transfer of knowledge is not unilateral

I am interested in sharing my research and practice processes in order to add to them through group work and I also want to share the questions that arise from that process. My projects have several layers of research that are developed in parallel, I try to start the conversation by finding the points in common with my interlocutors - points that we can recognize regardless of our place of enunciation.

I begin by talking about stones and minerals as bodies with memory.

Once we have entered a place of understanding together, I try to unweave the layers of my work that I apprehend allowing the community involved to generate its own connections and effective places with its own references and tools.

︎Web of the project

I would like the formal educational system not to be the only one socially legitimated as valid generator of knowledge and practice.

I like working in art institutions, but I also like working in educational spaces with children and adolescents, and especially, working in the public space, with people who are not necessarily part of the art world - that enables very surprising discussions and generally opens up more fresh questions.

I believe that any place can become a space of learning.

Part of the WHW project Necessary Connections. New threads of experimental pedagogy within i-Portunus Houses pilot scheme. The i-Portunus Houses pilot scheme is implemented, on behalf of the European Commission, by a consortium of organisations that have been pioneers of European cultural mobility programmes themselves. Coordinated by the European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam), the i-Portunus Houses consortium involves MitOst (Berlin) as main mobility implementer and the Kultura Nova Foundation (Zagreb) as lead in evaluation and analysis.