Estos textiles son el resultado de un proceso alquímico de cocción de polvo de piedra de magnetita, en el que el tiempo, la humedad y el entorno hacen acto de presencia modificando el resultado.
These textiles are the result of an alchemical process of baking magnetite stone powder, in which time, humidity and the environment make an appearance, modifying the result.

Flujos imperceptibles / Neprimjetni tok / Elusive Flow
Gallery Nova,April 2022, Zagreb
CURATED BY: Martina KontoŠiĆ

︎Go to the gallery web

photos: WHW Akademija

Dos Mares, Febrero 2022, Marseille
Curated by: Matías Allende
photos: Dos Mares

photos: Luiza Fagá Sorcha & Mcnamara

Antes de ser humanas fuimos fuego.
Dormíamos en el centro del mundo donde nació la imposibilidad del silencio.
Rugimos tan fuerte que explotamos la piel de Gaia.
Antes de ser humanas fuimos rocas incandescentes.
Dormíamos tan juntas que se pensaban que no estábamos vivas.
Rugimos tan fuerte que quemamos la piel de Gaia.
Antes de ser humanas fuimos bacterias.
Despertamos con tanta hambre que devoramos a Gaia.
Antes de ser humanas fuimos alquimia y gases tóxicos.
Antes de ser humanas fuimos algas.
Eramos tantas que volvimos verde la piel del mundo.
Antes de ser humanas fuimos hongos y tejimos mantos de nuestras pieles para estar siempre juntas.
Antes de ser humanas fuimos un árbol intentando volver al centro de la tierra y de tocar el sol al mismo tiempo.
Antes de ser humanas somos el recuerdo del fuego.
Antes de ser humanas somos una roca en el centro del cráneo para volver al centro del mundo.
Antes de ser humanas somos una roca incandescente surcando los ríos debajo de la epidermis.
Antes de ser humanas somos magnetos que recuerdan el micelio que una vez tejimos juntas.
Antes de ser humanas somos el nacimiento y la muerte permanente de una célula.
Antes de ser humanas somos la imposibilidad del silencio y el rugido incesante del mundo en el pecho.
Antes de ser humanas somos una piel verde sobre la tierra.
Antes de ser humanas somos nuestra potencia de vida disputando la potencia de muerte de las que olvidaron el fuego, las rocas, las bacterias, las algas y los hongos que fueron siendo.
El olvido somos sequía. El olvido somos monocultivo. El olvido somos ríos muertos.
Ahora que somos humanas nos nacen aletas, branquias y filamentos de magnetita. Nos mezclamos y nos atravesamos descorporeizadas, todas juntas pegadas por las bocas y por los ombligos. Nos prestamos los órganos. Somos legiones de escoria dislocada.
Nos movemos con el fuego conectado desde el cráneo hasta el centro de la tierra. Somos una erupción. Olas bacterianas comiéndonos las metrópolis industriales del primer mundo y royendo sus máquinas. Nos imantamos a los teléfonos móviles y a los anillos de diamantes, a los cables de luz y a las computadoras para hundirlos con nosotras a un continente oxidado bajo el agua donde viven nuestras hermanas, las deprimidas que se alimentan de litio y de hierro.
Somos una fractura que no sanó nunca.
Somos el cuidado de la cicatriz y la fragilidad rabiosa de esa piel.
No sabemos el sonido del dislocamiento pero tenemos en el cráneo el sonido del rugir del centro de la tierra.
Olvidamos a dónde volver.  
Hay que inventarlo todo.
Before we were humans we were fire.
We slept in the center of the world where the impossible silence was born.
We roared so strongly that we exploited Gaia’s skin.
Before we were humans we were incandescent rocks.
We slept so joined together that we thought we weren’t alive.
We roared so strongly that we exploited Gaia’s skin.
Before we were humans we were bacteria.
We woke up so hungry that we devoured Gaia.
Before we were humans we were alquimia and toxic gases.   
Before we were humans we were algae.
We were so many that we made the skin of the world green.
Before we were humans we were fungus and we waved blankets with our skin to be always together.
Before we were humans we were a tree trying to come back to the center of the earth and to touch the sun at the same time.
Before we were humans we were the remembrance of fire.
Before we were humans we were a rock in the center of the skull to come back to the center of the world.
Before we were humans we were an incandescent rock furrowing the rovers underneath the epidermis.
Before we were humans we were magnets that remember the mycelium that we had once woven.
Before we were humans we were the birth and the permanent death of a cell.
Before we were humans we were the impossibility of silence and the incessant roar of the world in the chest.
Before we were humans we are a green skin over earth.
Before we were humans we were potential life disputing the potential of the death of those who forgot the fire, the rocks, bacteria, algae and fungus that have been being.
Oblivion we are in drought. Oblivion is monoculture. Oblivion we are death rivers.  Now that we are humans we are born fins, gills and magnetite filaments. We mix and cross each other disembodied, all of us attached by mouths and navels.
We share organs. We are legions of dislocated scum.
We move with the fire connected from the skull till the center of the earth. We are an eruption. Bacterial waves eating the industrial first world metropolis and roaring its machines. We are attached to mobile phones and diamond rings, light cables and computers to sink with us an oxidized continent underneath the water were our sisters, the depressed ones that feed from lithium and iron
We are a fracture that never healed.
We are the care of the scar and the rabid fragility of that skin
We don’t know the sound of the dislocation but we have the sound of the roar of the earth in the middle of our skull.
We forgot where to come back to. We have to reinvent everything.